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In the span of two years, developers have used number of frameworks for different languages. This includes, Yii2, Symphony, Ruby on Rails etc. But there is one particular framework which most of the developers have on the top of the list to work with, it is Laravel Development. It has now become the first wish on developer’s mind to work with Laravel Web Development Company. It is important these days to know a good Laravel Web Development Company in order to hire Laravel developers for a project.
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Laravel Development- What it is?
A framework is nothing but a structure you can choose and build your program upon it. Framework helps you in determining the structure of your application and it also helps you in connecting to different APIs. PHP framework is a set of classes that makes the life of a developer easier than it is. For example hiding some complexities of HTTP protocol or by adding some useful functions. Now, Laravel web development is nothing but a PHP framework built with the focus of writing code syntax that is simple and expensive. It is highly used, open sourced modern web application framework that designs customized web applications quickly and efficiently.
Why Use A PHP Framework & Especially Laravel Development :
PHP is well know as one of the most popular server side scripting language in the world of web development companies. It has evolved a lot since the first inline code snippets appeared in static HTML files. The present time demands developers to build complex websites and web apps which always takes too much time and hassle to start from scratch. Because of this there was a dire need for a more structured natural way of development. PHP frameworks provide developers with an adequate solution for that.
Laravel is a new PHP framework, although released in 2011, it possesses a huge ecosystem with instant hosting and deployment platform. With Laravel Development, you use the following features.
1. Authentication and Application Logic
The core and the most important part of any web application is the authentication and we know how much time developers spend on writing the authentication code. Laravel helps to organize authorization logic and control access to resources. In the most recent redesign of Laravel 5, there is a pre-built validation code. It has decreased the time taken to compose the colossal codes for this reason. In Laravel Development. application logic can be implemented within any application using the controllers or directly to the route declarations using syntax. Laravel development will provide a flexibility to the developers they need to create everything ranging from a small website to the big enterprise applications.
2. Blade Templating Engine
In Laravel web development, the blade templating engine is very instinctive. It also helps working with the PHP/ HTML in a much better way, that’s it one of the best features of the framework. It is a straightforward and strong templating motor driven by its areas. Laravel development permits composing the plain codes of PHP in the layout shape. Consequently, it enhances the execution of utilization complex.
3. Laracasts- Quality Tutorials
Laracasts is the premier learning tool for Laravel development. It is a combination of free and paid video tutorials that makes you learn how to use Laravel. The videos are all made by Jeffery Way, an expert and experienced instructor who offers clear and concise instructions. The production quality is high, and the lessons are well-thought out and meaningful making Laravel development a fun to learn.
4.Different File Support
One of the most recent feature of the Laravel Development is that it has a local emotionally supportive network for different document service. It utilizes Flysystem for this particular reason and its stockpiling choices can be designed on a nearby remote cloud based framework.
5. Artisan
Normally, a Laravel developer has to interact with the Laravel framework using a command line that creates and handles the Laravel project environment. Laravel provides a built-in tool named Artisan, which allows them to perform majority of those repeated and lengthy programming tasks which the developers avoid to perform manually. It is used to create a skeleton code, and database structure to make it easier to manage the database system. Artisan even lets us create our own commands and do convenient things and we can also perform Unit tests for our application through this.
6. Security
Laravel development has a unique way of securing the web application. By the use of salted hashed password, it never saves the password in the plain text in the database. Moreover, it uses Bcrypt hashing algorithm to create an encrypted password. Laravel uses prepared SQL statements which make injection attacks unimaginable. Along with this, Laravel provides a simple way to escape user input to avoid user injection of <script> tag.
7. Migration System Databases
In Laravel development, migration helps to expand the database structure of the application without having to recreate every time we make a change. So it prevents the chances of losing the development data. Laravel development not only provides the facility to change the structure, but it also lets us to do so using the PHP code instead of SQL. Laravel Schema Builder allows to create database tables and inserts columns and indices so we can consider it as a version control for your database.