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A PHP framework is the most popular web development platforms allows developers to build hi-end applications efficiently using its advanced and robust features. There are several PHP frameworks used by PHP developers for web development such as Laravel, Yii, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Phalcon, Zoomla, CakePHP, Drupal, Zend Framework and many others. Each of them has its unique advantages as well as some disadvantages. Deciding the right framework that works appropriately and meet your project requirements using its features become always a big challenging task, especially when you want to work on some big project.
When it comes all about web development in present times, the prime focus is the rapidity of development process with reusable, well-written and managed code with scalability. With the use of proven PHP framework, it becomes feasible for developer to accomplish their complex project efficiently. Frameworks provides developers to use libraries, ready-made components, MVC architectures and many more helpful features to create highly secure and feature-rich apps. PHP frameworks offer developers an adequate solution to create a complex project from a scratch in a hassle-free manner.
Here, we would like to discuss about the two most popular PHP frameworks Laravel and Yii and its difference as well as to understand which one is best from Laravel and Yii. Even though both frameworks comprise excellent features, we have provided some differences between these frameworks helps developers to choose the right framework. You should opt the one that justify your project requirement as well as expertise and experience using the selected framework.
Know About The Laravel Framework
Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks comprises several advanced features useful for rapid application development. Initially released in 2011, its latest version Laravel 5.4 was released in January 2017 includes many excellent features. It has a vast ecosystem with quick hosting and deployment platform. It owns a light-weight templating engine which is known as Blade. It includes a local development environment “Homestead” which is a packaged Vagrant box. This PHP framework supports web applications using its exquisite and elegant syntax that help laravel developers to make frequent task easily such as sessions, authentication, queueing, as well as RESTful routing and catching.
Initially, it was meant to support high-end PHP as other frameworks like ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, etc. This powerful framework can access easily and also integrates many robust tools useful in creating highly reliable and big apps. These tools are easy migration system, great inversion of control and the integrated module testing system.
Know About Yii Framework
Yii is also a major popular PHP framework widely used all across the world. This open source, component-based MVC Architecture and object-oriented framework includes several features helps to boost the site performance as it becomes faster in comparison with other PHP frameworks. It utilizes lazy loading technique that makes it faster. Yii is based on the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) coding concept helps developer to organize logical and well-written code base. It comes with a set of features which are AJAX-enables and integrated with jQuery. It implements user-friendly theming and skinning mechanism helpful for fresher. Its robust class code generator (Gii) enables rapid prototyping and OOP (object-oriented programming). It also makes possible to create code interactively using its web-based interface.
This is an ideal platform makes possible advanced web app development faster. For high-level web development including portals, forums, business apps, CMS, and many other advanced web development, Yii is the best choice. It gives many turnkey solutions such as multi-level cache support, NoSQL databases, ActiveRecord, as well as Query builder and several more. This scalable framework allows Yii developers to amend the source code of any section and also create your own extensions.
Comparison of Some Major Features Between Laravel and Yii Framework
Features | Laravel | Yii |
Requirements | Compatible with PHP 5.4 or higher versions, MCrypt PHP extension and PHP JSON extension | compatible with PHP 5.4 or higher versions |
Extensions | Includes more than 9000 extensions | Comprise 2800 extensions |
MVC support | It supports MVC architecture | It supports MVC architecture |
Object Relational Mapping | DAO, ActiveRecord Pattern (Eloquent ORM) , Doctrine 2 through plugins | Data access objects, Doctrine 2 through plugins and Active record pattern. |
Testing | It supports Symfony testing tools such as HttpKernel, BrowserKit, and DomCrawler with PHPUnit. | It supports PHP unit out of the box as well as Codeception testing |
Debugging | It’s multiple debugging options like logging, Imho (Limited yet helpful for solving problems using laravel-debugbar extension. | comprehensive debugging console, multi-level logging options for debugging as well as database requests logging |
Migrations | Helps developers to include seeders easing in the smooth transfer of initial data and effective testing procedures. It makes data testing handy and also for filling static directory. | Offers great Migration Tool |
Form Validation | It comprises form validations as a distinctive class in order to validate the database anywhere and anytime. Its powerful ORM can be extended for unification, efficiently. This is one of the powerful features of Laravel. | Its form validation is connected to the class of a form or a model and enables to organize all the rules in the form. It can review based on specified rules after collecting data and fill it in ActiveRecord. It need to build a custom verification for validate data within the controller. Hence, in such case it becomes a time-consuming process. |
Security – When it comes to security feature, both Yii and Laravel provide excellent tools to work using safety from SQL injections, authentication, passwords, as well as Cross Site Scripting and Cross-Site Request Forgery, etc. In Laravel, there are no enough tools for accessing control, but with the help of several extension packages, it makes available easily.