ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 27001:2022

How we automated the sales order data processing of a construction material manufacturing company,
The construction company had a massive data management issue due to which management of more orders was becoming increasingly difficult due to the below matters encountered in different departments on a regular basis.
- Multiple unsynced data entry: The admins used to make crude entries in excel and small applications for individual departments, which were not connected. Hence there were multiple data entries being done by all the department’s users and with no data being centrally linked, had many mismatches. So although it was stored digitally, it was pretty just a record rather than a synced system.
- Interdependence of sales and accounts department for data delayed sales: Accounts and sales status of a given customer was always understood only when they all sat for a meeting to discuss every day. They were not aware of it independent of each other. If a salesperson had to make a sale, he had to contact accounts department to understand the customer’s credit limit and due balances and only then make a sale. This either delayed their sales process, or the sales department ended up giving more credit to the customer than permitted by the accounts.
- No centralized inventory management system: The sales team didn’t have a readily available method to browse the product inventories available for sale and the stocks availability. Hence they didn’t have much control over actual inventory.
- Shipping data and status recording and notification system were unorganized: The shipping partners who were non tech-savvy didn’t have any systematic approach to notifying shipping status or entering shipping data, so all the shipping data from one shipping partner to another kept fluctuating and had to be re-entered multiple times. The sales and accounts department could understand the real-time shipping status by only coordinating with the shipping partner and not through any centralized system. This affected payment recoveries as well.
- Multiple Data entry by every Department: For a given order, accounts, sales, and shipping had to keep entering the same data, again and again, leading to multiple data entries and mismatches in these entries due to manual data entry errors.
- KYC and verification process of Sales partners and channel managers was manual: All the sales partners, dealers, and distributors had a KYC process and verification process, which was manually entered, and verified one on one basis by an individual who didn’t have any system for authentication. Hence the data verification which was being done was not entirely reliable and authentic.
The application built for this company resolved its data management and systematic data processing issues in one go with the solutions provided by Innovins with custom developments done to manage different department operations.
- Systematic data entries of all department’s data and their active status are readily searchable: All departments from product inventory entries, sales tasks and targets, accounts entries, customer details, and shipping entries by shipping partners were all done in a systematic manner and with all data synced in an orderly fashion. For a given customer, what are the orders generated, what the order is or the shipping status was readily available and searchable in the system by any given user.
- Sync between Departments Data entered: The sales department could quickly login into the system and search for a given customer, find out the order-related due clearances along with the date, and easily see their credit limits. Apart from this, if a sales user tried to make sales to a user whose credit limit was exceeded, he was prompted with an alert of exceeded credit limit. This helped the company to avoid unwanted credit limits for its customers who were not eligible for it.
- Centralized Inventory Management: The sales department could readily search for a product category, filter products, sort by sales, stocks, and regional availability, and find the inventory available for that product in one system.
- Shipping Status Centralized and Easy Management: All orders had a unique QR code. Shipping partners had an app where they just scanned a QR code, where the entire shipping data appeared for the given order, and the shipping status could be updated by just clicking a few buttons. This same shipping status was readily available to the sales and accounts team for further status usage to continue with their process. They no longer had to coordinate with the shipping company for every order.
- No additional data entry or mismatch in order status: All orders were synced by a unique QR code, so by just scanning it in the system, they could see the quality and update only their department data, not making them re-enter the entire order data all over again by every department. Thus, making the data processing systematic and accurate.
- Digital signing and KYC Verification Process: The sales Channel Partners’ KYC data entered was centrally stored, and their verification data was synced by a Government recognized verification system. This means their PAN card, CIN number, and Company Registration Details were synced with the authentic documents available in government portals, building more authenticity to the verification process. Because of this syncing, the verification documents were not being re-uploaded, and neither was their verification process needing manual signatures/ interventions, as all the records were digitally signed.
With these solutions in place, the company could handle more sales, and all sales data and its reports were readily available on the system. This helped them analyze sales report from a birds-eye view and helped them maximize their sales. The energy was thus diverted from daily operations hassle management to strategizing for more deals.