ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 27001:2022
In the wide world of web, consider that the designer chooses to include a mean of dragging files around as a way of organizing content. That’s User Interface (UI). Now suppose a user prefers that site over its competitor sites because they like its simplicity just like it is to listen music for a long period. That’s User Experience (UX).
To study the earlier meaning, web User Interface is the presentation, design and implementation of the elements that are present in a web page. Naturally, these are diverse, as they include everything a designer has to add to a site, but fortunately, a leading user experience resource for suggested practices and strategy, characterized them in a meaningful and suitable way:
• Input: Drop down lists, Text field forms, Checkboxes, Clickable buttons, List Boxes, Date field forms, etc.
• Navigation: Sliders, Paginations, Icons, Tags, Search fields, Scroll bars, etc.
• Sharing: Follow Buttons, Share Buttons, Friend Lists, Promote/ Like, Invite friends, etc.
• Information: Tool tips, Message Boxes, Notifications, Modal windows, Text Content, Progress Bar, etc.
For instance, “X Yosemite” Operating System strives for exceptional user interface. Though Yosemite is an operating system rather than website, the philosophy behind the user interface are still valid to a website. The visual look and feel for their clickable buttons makes using the system more smooth and enjoyable; its vibrant and dynamic sidebars let users view content behind the screen, and its defined notification centre provides all the need-to-know information without undesirable occupying the desktop.
Most significantly, as Apple states in their user interface guidelines, these features help design the bigger picture of convention functionality and an exceptional user experience. The primary goal of the Yosemite user interface is to provide users an interface to enjoy a system that is classy enough to be empowering without being overpowering.